Recent Press Coverage
Vítima da Guerra Fria cria projetos para ajudar crianças nos EUA
An in-depth interview of Robert Meeropol by Genton Mroaes Neto for the Brazilian Globo News program "Dossiê". Intro and questions in Portuguese but Robert's responses in English, with Portueguese… Read More
EUA de hoje têm traços do macartismo, diz filho do casal Rosenberg
21/06/2012 - 05h00
Robert Meeropol, nascido Rosenberg, tinha 6 anos quando seus pais, o engenheiro Julius e a sindicalista Ethel, foram executados nos EUA em 1953, no auge do… Read More
Filho do casal Rosenberg fará palestras em São Paulo
Publicado em Terça, 19 Junho 2012 14:24 Escrito por DC
O caso Rosenberg em São Paulo
Enviado por luisnassif, ter, 19/06/2012 - 18:51
21/6, QUINTA, das 19h30 às 21h
O Caso Rosenberg – O Julgamento de Julius e Ethel Rosenberg
Filho de casal acusado de vender segredos sobre bomba atômica vai visitar o Brasil
Hélter Duarte
First Person: Robert Meeropol
My parents were Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, American communists executed in 1953 for conspiracy to commit espionage. I was three years old when they were arrested and six when they were executed.
The Rosenberg Fund for Children: Another Rosenberg Legacy [in English]
The privilege of directing the RFC has made the last 21 years the best of my life. The decades that preceded it were more difficult.
In the 1970’s my brother and I had been plaintiffs in a lawsuit… Read More
Pourquoi la Fondation Rosenberg pour les enfants (RFC)
Le privilège d’être à la tête de la RFC ont fait de ces 21 dernières années les meilleures de ma vie. Les décennies qui ont précédé ont été plus difficiles.
PEINE DE MORT. Le combat pour la vie d'un enfant d'exécutés
An interview with Robert Meeropol by a prominent French periodical, on the eve of World Day Against the Death Penalty, 2011, and Robert's participation in Paris in events marking the occasion...Pour… Read More
Activists in the Crossroads: from the Rosenbergs to Wikileaks
Host Kathy Partridge interviews Robert Meeropol on "Connections" on KGNU Community Radio in Boulder, CO, about the connection between his parents and Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange; his visit and… Read More
Speaker eyes WikiLeaks
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
AMHERST - Robert H. Meeropol was 6 years old when his parents were executed as spies. Now he is offering his perspective on WikiLeaks,… Read More
In Northampton, linking legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. to contemporary action
Staff Writer
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
NORTHAMPTON - ...Robert Meeropol, executive director of the Rosenberg Fund for Children in Easthampton, linked the fate of his birth parents… Read More