Meeropol brothers launch petition to exonerate their mother, Ethel Rosenberg

Meeropol brothers launch petition to exonerate their mother, Ethel Rosenberg
2016 Exonerate Ethel

Readers of the People's World and its antecedents may know something about the federal spying case against Julius and Ethel Rosenberg that led to their execution at Sing Sing Prison on June 19, 1953. In the light of newly uncovered evidence, a campaign is now underway to exonerate Ethel. The campaign, directed to Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch and President Barack Obama in their final months of office, was launched recently on the website of the Rosenberg Fund for Children (RFC), an organization founded in 1990 to support the children of present-day activists who have been imprisoned or otherwise separated from their children. Read more at the link above.