Guest blog by Robert Meeropol, RFC Founder
It has been a while since I’ve provided RFC supporters with an update on my parents’ case. In July, 2022, my brother and I filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request of the National Security Agency (NSA) asking for the declassification and release of the agency’s files relating to our mother, Ethel Rosenberg. We filed this request almost two years ago and since then, progress has been slow.
However, at long last we have news to report. Several months ago NSA personnel told our lawyer two things: First, that 88 documents fall within the parameters of our request. Second, that the NSA has begun the process of declassification, which is a necessary step before releasing the material under their rules. We believe that the NSA has completed this process and has recommended declassification, but as is frequently the case, the final approval comes from an external agency.
I wish I could be more specific, but I can only repeat the information we’ve been given. We still don’t know how long this will take, and we can’t be 100% certain that the memos will ever be released; however, it is possible that within months or even weeks the RFC will have breaking news about the release of powerfully exculpatory evidence relating to my mother.
From the trial and grand jury transcripts, as well as previously declassified documents, we already know the following about Ethel:
- The only evidence presented against her at trial was given by my mother’s brother and sister-in-law, David and Ruth Greenglass. We know David and Ruth made contradictory sworn statements relating to Ethel at the Grand Jury and at trial. Therefore, the only testimony against Ethel at trial were oral statements of proven perjurers.
- Department of Justice (DOJ) memos show that the DOJ considered the evidence “insufficient” and “weak” but recommended that Ethel should be convicted and given a “stiff” sentence to be used as a “lever” against her husband.
- When the NSA released what they called the “VENONA” transcriptions we learned that the KGB gave all its agents codes names, but Ethel was not given one.
- One tantalizing memo states that the NSA’s chief decryptor thought Ethel did not actively engage in “conspiratorial” work.
Astoundingly, these aren’t “claims.” Everything listed in the bullet points above is contained within verified government documents.
When these facts are coupled with the NSA’s failure to declassify the memos in question, even though it has been 29 years since they released the VENONA transcriptions, we are confident that they will provide the final proof that Ethel Rosenberg was not a spy.
We hope to use this new information to restart our Exonerate Ethel Campaign by asking President Biden to issue a Presidential Proclamation stating that Ethel Rosenberg was wrongfully convicted and executed.
We urge RFC supporters to watch this space for additional postings which could include a call to action. As soon as we have updates, we’ll share them with our community. Sign up for the RFC’s email list and follow the RFC on social media to be the first to know.
good to hear
Let me know if I can help. My Hiss book, in which he is completely exonerated, will be out this spring.
Alger Hiss
I knew Alger Hiss from when I worked at the National Emergency Civil Liberties Committee. A good man, and innocent. I am glad to hear of your book, which I will look for.
sentences of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg
My parents were devastated during the trial and especially the sordid aftermath.
How cruel to choose a Jewish judge to do the dirty work of the authorities.
Injustices abound
This subject regarding Ethel & Julius is interresting! I just wish that the Nurenberg Trials overshadowed this and the justice
the lawyer who prosecuted Ethel and Julius Rosenberg:
And a Jewish Lawyer
And execution scheduled Erev Shabbat
How many more digs could the government arrange?
Exonerate Ethel
Keep up the good work. Truth will out. Dr. Murray Watnick
Execution of your parents
Your parents were killed on my tenth birthday. My parents were upset and I was fully aware and could not imagine how you and your brother felt. I remember that day with horror.
The corruption and flaws of our ´justice system´ grows worse...
Since TRUTH is not in our national interest, revealing/sharing information with our perceived `enemies` is considered a threat to the US quest to dominate the world. Instead of executing Julian Assange for revealing US war crimes, his life is being snuffed out by the `justice system`. doG bless ameryucka
I'm just another person…
I'm just another person touched by the story of your family. Many of us all feel a connection to your cause through the losses we have all felt personally. We all stand with you.
Your parents
Your parents' execution was 100% wrong, especially your mother's murder, for that was what it was. She was innocent and should have lived to raise you and your brother.
Mrs. Rosenberg
I was just a little child when this Travesty of Justice occurred. My deceased parents were disturbed about this, and I believe my Father wrote letters protesting the executions. I hope and pray that you secure a Presidential Proclamation from President Biden that your Deceased Mother, Ethel Rosenberg, was unjustly convicted and executed. May you have this peace in your lives: you certainly deserve it. God bless you!
Execution of The Rosenbergs
I was ten when the trials started. My folks suggested that I shouldn't worry my "pretty little head" about it, but it was not lost on me that these were Jews and if those 2 little boys could lose their parents, maybe I could lose mine. I was a teen when they were electrocuted, but I was traumatized over a period of years by the entire situation. I know justice will prevail eventually and I wish you success in your FOIA inquiry.
Rosenberg Cases
It is amazing how this issue has still not been resolved in more than 70 years. Do any of your efforts relate back to the conviction and execution of your father as well?
How wonderful it will be to finally get those files.
Enormous burden for sons to carry all their lives
In 1958 at Indian Hill summer camp in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, I met you and your brother. We were just children then, but I had a stable home and a relatively easy life ahead of me.
I pay you tribute for your crusade to rehabilitate the reputations of your parents, particularly of your innocent mother who was killed in order to symbolize our national strength against the Soviet adversary.
Wishing you peace and justice, may it come to you in your lifetime.
warmth and love
Michael and Robert:
This is great news.
Much love,
Ethel ‘s execution
Praying for her exoneration and soon. So horrible what you and your brother have had to live with.
Ethel still on my mind!
This case will never go away in my mind!
I was born in 1949 so I wasn't aware of the case until much later but I relate because my Dad died when I was 7 years old .I have felt like I was always missing something
Your parents
This new development sounds very promising and I fervently hope that the culmination of all your and your brother's unflagging quest for justice will take the form of a long-overdue Presidential Proclamation of Ethel's wrongful conviction and tragic execution. I cannot imagine what it has been like for you and he to live with this all your lives, my heart goes out to you both.
Justice for Ethel Rosenberg
We're deeply thankful for your latest report! It's been a long struggle for you, and you continue to work for the truth and integrity of your mother. We join you in this renewed hope that your mother will be completely exonerated. We pray that justice will prevail!
My dad came back from attending the funeral of your parents (I was 8 at the time) and he was marveling about how many cars there were at the cemetery. It was not til 55 years later when we were burying him that I learned it was the same cemetery. We divided the flowers and put half on his grave, half on theirs.
Obama's inaction on this was disappointing but not totally surprising, given his record. I hope that Biden, despite his disappointing record on numerous things, past and present, comes through on this. Best wishes to you and your family.
Julius and Ethel's executioner
It is interesting to note that the electrian from Cairo, NY who did the electrocutions at SIng SIng was paid $150 per person. His name was Josef Francel and after the executions of the Rosenbergs, he did another one in August, 1953 and then quit. he later went on to commit suicide!
Die Wahrheit muss siegen!
Es waren politisch motivierte Justizmorde, mir bekannt aus dem Film "Die Rosenbergs dürfen nicht sterben", den ich als Kind in der DDR gesehen und der mich sehr erschüttert hatte. Es wurden wichtige rechtsstaatliche Grundsätze im Gerichtsverfahren verletzt, und das in einem Land, dessen Regierung seit jeher meint, die beste Demokratie zu haben, die man der ganzen Welt überstülpen möchte. Diese mediale Hetze gegen Kommunisten zeugt aber auch von großer Angst vor der Aufdeckung der eigenen Gräuel. Wenn ich da nur an Snowden, Assange denke oder auch die Neugeborenen- und Atomwaffen-Lüge zur Begründung eines Krieges denke, dann ist das Thema doch immer noch top-aktuell. Ich hoffe sehr, dass Sie Recht bekommen - und auch Ihr Vater wurde unrechtmäßig ermordet!
Great News!
So good to hear some good news, especially in light of the devastation going on around the world. Keep up the good fight! And please keep us posted.
I was four then... I still think about those times.
My parents worked politically to keep your parents from being executed. I was only four at the time, and I didn't find out about these horrible events until my twenties. My own parents were persecuted on a local level during the McCarthy era for another event, and I blame the toxic atmosphere of those times for affecting the well being of my family, and our subsequent mental, physical and spiritual health. I am so glad you have sought justice throughout your lifetimes, and I hope that finally, your mother may publicly exonerated and that you all may have peace. Blessings.
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